Chimera is an action rogue-like developed alongside the team “Banana Bread Studios”. This team consists of 15 members: 8 artists, 4 programmers, 2 designers, and 1 producer. As one of the designers, I had a hand in creating the room layouts as seen in the pictures to the left. I was also in charge of lighting for all of the levels our design team created. This game was an incredibly fun and engaging project to work on and the entire team worked incredibly well together.
The production of Chimera spans over the course of 7 months. There are many in-depth systems in the game that required nearly a month of planning and development to create. There have been many different changes that has happened over its development, and there will continue to be content added to the game after it is released.
LOVE.exe is a visual novel, dating sim, and arcade game rush all in one. I developed this game alongside the team “Sock Puppet Studios” that consists of 6 members. On this team there are 2 artists, 2 designers, 1 programmer, and 1 producer. As the lead designer, my role was to design and balance gameplay. I helped create many of the different systems in this game, including the shopping and clothing selection. Additionally, I helped design the visual novel sequences and the functionality behind how they behave.
As a small studio, we ran into the difficulties of lack of time to produce a full game during the time we had (over the course of 3 months). Once the course is over, we intend on expanding and adding more content in our free time and recruiting more members to assist in the creation of a fully-fledged game. With a lack of programmers it is difficult to get more intricate systems in the game, but we were still able to make an entertaining and engaging game that many enjoy.
Past Curfew is an atmospheric horror game, and looks to entice the player with its liminal environments and creative sound design. Headphones are highly recommended to get the full experience, and to enjoy the detail I put into the atmosphere. I developed this game for a level design class and continued to work on after the course was completed.
This game is continually being developed as a solo developer, so all gameplay seen was created by myself. The assets used were taken from free asset packs developed by Epic Games, and all audio is provided for free use by Pixabay. This was my biggest learning experience for the Unreal Engine, and while there isn’t much content yet, I hoped for the design of the level and the concept to be enough to carry the interest of the player.
As a new solo developer during production, many aspects took much longer than they would with a team. I enjoy a challenge, and through documentation research and trial and error, I was able to figure out every mechanic on my own.